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Healthy Living Information

by Peter Brodhead, CN

Peter has studied and presented information on Health Living for 30 years.
These are 45 of his speaking handouts or slide presentations to be freely downloaded.

This website material is for personal education and not a substitute for professional medical advice.

Healthy Living Information

by Peter Brodhead, CN

Peter has studied and presented information on Health Living for 30 years.
These are 45 of his speaking handouts or slide presentations to be freely downloaded.

This website material is for personal education and
 not a substitute for professional medical advice.

Click on the underlined text
 to download a health paper or slides


  Acid Reflux GERD - 6 easy steps to reduce Acid Reflux

  Blood Work Basic Metabolic Panel

Blood work for Longevity

Hepatic Function panel - Liver Panel

Optional Blood Work

Thyroid Blood Testing

Understanding Your Blood Work

Understanding Your Blood Work - CBC

Understanding Your Blood Work - Lipid Panel

  Brain Health Brain Injury Omega 3 protocol

Carl Germano's brain wellness plan

Enhancing your Brain Power

Jerry Angelini - Lions Mane

Simple Rules to Optimize Brain Health

  Cancer Info Foods that inhibit Angiogenesis

Preventing Cancer Recurrence

Understanding Cancer (slides)

Cancer Diet & Nutrional Support

  Covid Info Supporting Body after Covid

  Diabetes Info Reducing Insulin Spike

  Healthy Living 12 Rules for Healthy Living

Andrew Weil's 4,7,8 Breathing Tech

Braverman Personality Assessment

Dirty Dozen Foods for 2023

Guide to Healthy Fats

Best Health Hacks

Salt Loading for Performance

Hydration & Athletic Preformance

Benefits of Fermented Foods

Talk on Longevity

Health benefits of Nitric Oxide

Getting Better Sleep

Highest Polyphenol & Anti-Oxidant Foods

Latest on Foods & Mindful Eating

Unlocking Power of Foods

Vagal Nerve enhancements

Zach Bush 4 minute excercise

  Heart Disease Cholestral does not cause Heart Disease

Nutrition for Congestive Heart Failure

  Illness Recommendations Let a Fever work

Recommendations during Flu Season

  MicroBiome Yogurt Fermenting at Home Ebook

Best High Fiber Rich Foods

Pancreatic Enzymes

Ashwagandha benefits

Including Glycine

Optimizing Vitamin D

Supplements for Joints

Understanding Iron, Copper & Vit-A

  Surgery protocol Surgery Protocol

  Mojo Rising
with Peter
Fighting Cancer with Natures Pharmacy

Julie Stevens fighting Cancer Podcasts

Click on the underlined text
 to download the Paper


  Acid Reflux GERD - 6 easy steps to reduce Acid Reflux

  Blood Work Basic Metabolic Panel

Blood work for Longevity

Hepatic Function panel - Liver Panel

Optional Blood Work

Thyroid Blood Testing

Understanding Your Blood Work

Understanding Your Blood Work - CBC

Understanding Your Blood Work - Lipid Panel

  Brain Health Brain Injury Omega 3 protocol

Carl Germano's brain wellness plan

Enhancing your Brain Power

Jerry Angelini - Lions Mane

Simple Rules to Optimize Brain Health

  Cancer Info Foods that inhibit Angiogenesis

Preventing Cancer Recurrence

Understanding Cancer

Cancer Diet & Nutrional Support

  Covid Info Supporting Body after Covid

  Diabetes Info Reducing Insulin Spike

  Healthy Living 12 Rules for Healthy Living

Andrew Weil's 4,7,8 Breathing Tech

Braverman Personality Assessment

Dirty Dozen Foods for 2023

Guide to Healthy Fats

Best Health Hacks

Salt Loading for Performance

Hydration & Athletic Preformance

Benefits of Fermented Foods

Talk on Longevity

Health benefits of Nitric Oxide

Getting Better Sleep

Highest Polyphenol & Anti-Oxidant Foods

Latest on Foods & Mindful Eating

Unlocking Power of Foods

Vagal Nerve enhancements

Zach Bush 4 minute excercise

  Heart Disease Cholestral does not cause Heart Disease

Nutrition for Congestive Heart Failure

  Illness Recommendations Let a Fever work

Recommendations during Flu Season

  MicroBiome Yogurt Fermenting at Home Ebook

Best High Fiber Rich Foods

Pancreatic Enzymes

Ashwagandha benefits

Including Glycine

Optimizing Vitamin D

Supplements for Joints

Understanding Iron, Copper & Vit-A

  Surgery protocol Surgery Protocol

  Mojo Rising
with Peter
Fighting Cancer with Natures Pharmacy

Julie Stevens fighting Cancer Podcasts