Bill Brodhead WPB Enterprises Inc
Radon & Vapor Intrusion |
FanTech: FR100 FR150 HP190 HP220 HP2133 HP2190 FR250-8 REC10XL HP190SL RadonAway: GP201 GP301 GP401 GP501 RP145 RP140 RP260 2-RP145's XP151 XP201 XR261 RP265 RP380 All RadonAway Fans HS2000 HS5000 SF180 Festa AMG: Spirit Maverick Legend Hawk Force Prowler Eagle Fury All AMGs Obar GBR: GBR45 GBR76 SOE GBR76 HO GBR89 HA&MA Comparisons: GP fans Low Watt High Vacuum High Airflow Mid Range1 Box Fans Mid Range2 Fan Wattages All Fantech fans 2 HP220-4 2 HP220-6 Large Fans Ram/Gam & Elicent, SunCourt, Fan Max: Ram II AXC100A TF104W TF106 Fan Max High Vacuum Radial Fans 40/75 GBR76 SOE GBR76 HO GBR89 HA&MA Tjernlund |
Choosing the Best Fan to Use There is no best fan but there can be the best fan for your situation. Generally fans can be broken into Four categories: Low Wattage Fans - good sub-slab gravel and slab sealing. Mid Range Fans - less than optimal sub-slab aggregate and/or slab leakage High Flow Fans - Lots of slab leaks or very porous soil or multiple foundations to treat High Vacuum Fans - Packed dirt under the slab with likely low system airflow. Sometimes the mitigation system has both characteristics such as compacted soil under a slab and high airflow sub-membrane suction in a crawl space. The High Flow fans will generally take care of this situation but there is a noise and energy use penalty. It is also wise to always choose the lowest wattage fan that will accomplish the job. Lower wattage fans are almost always quieter and their long term energy costs can be significant. Pipe size limits the maximum airflow that can be achieved. In the chart below the 20 watt RP140 with 4" pipe moves as much free air as a 120 watt HP220 can move with 3" pipe. If you need to move air you must have a large enough pipe. |
FanTech FR100
FanTech FR150
FanTech HP190
FanTech HP220
FanTech HP2133
FanTech HP2190
FanTech HP190SL
FanTech REC 10XL
FanTech FR250-8 w/6
RadonAway GP201
RadonAway GP301
RadonAway GP401
RadonAway GP501
RadonAway RP145
RadonAway RP140
RadonAway RP260
RadonAway RP265
RadonAway XP151
RadonAway XP201
RadonaAway XR261
RadonaAway SF180
RadonAway RP380 w/6" pipe
AMG Spirit
AMG Maverick
AMG Legend
AMG Hawk
AMG Force
AMG Prowler
AMG Eagle
AMG Fury w/6" pipe
Obar Systems GBR 45
Obar Systems GBR76 SOE
Obar Systems GBR76 HO
Obar Systems GBR89 HA & MA
Fan Max w/4" pipe
Tjernlund Radon Vac RMS160 w/4" pipe
Tjernlund Radon Vac RMS160 Exhaust FPM
HP190SL vs SF180
Ram/Gam Ram II
Elicent AXC100A
GP Series Comparison
Low Wattage Fan Comparison
High Vacuum Fan Comparison
Mid-Range Fan Comparison
Other Mid-Range Fan Comparison
High Airflow Fan Comparison
Comparison of Fan Wattages
Comparison of FanTech Fans
Comparison of RadonAway Fans
Comparison of Festa AMG Fans
Two HP220 fans w/6" pipe
Large Radon Fan Comparison w/6" pipe
Sun Court TF104W w/4" pipe
Sun Court TF106 w/4" pipe
RadonAway HS2000 w/4" pipe
RadonAway HS5000 w/4" pipe
Two RP145 Fans with 4" piping
AMG Force + Two HP220's with 4" piping
Two HP220's w/4" pipe
Flow Tech 40/75 w/4" pipe
Radon Job Photos Fan Performance Lots of Other Info WPB Home |
Radon mitigation call Integra Environmental 610 346-8004 |